The Professional Insurance Fund for Police, Firefighters, Coastguards is an evolution of the International Police Union Members' Mutual Aid Account (LAMDEA). LAMDEA was founded in 1993 and was an excellent innovation of the Hellenic Section of the International Police Union that supported many police officers. TEAAPL's offer is the same and stronger!
Brief history
The Coastal Police Firefighters Professional Insurance Fund (T.E.A.A.P.L.) is a self-managed, non-profit Private Legal Entity, established in September 2009 (Government Gazette No.F.1903tB/4.9.2009 as amended by No. F.51020/7334/157/04.04.2013) for those serving in the Security Forces, in accordance with the provisions of Law 3029/2002 and is the evolution of the Mutual Aid Account of members of the International Union of Police (L. A.M.D.E.A.) founded in 1994.
It is supervised by the Ministry of Employment and Social Protection, the National Actuarial Authority and the Capital Market Commission.
It functions in addition to compulsory insurance and consists of two independent branches:
a) the One-off Branch which grants one-off benefits, either after 20 years of insurance or upon reaching the age of 50, with an insurance period of 10 years in the Fund or upon reaching the age of 55, with an insurance period of 5 years or in case of retirement with 1 year of insurance in the Fund.
b) the Solidarity Branch, which in the event of an accident that will cause permanent total disability grants aid of €10,000 and in the event of death, aid of €15,000. In case of hospitalization in a hospital or clinic for more than 9 days, an aid of €20 is granted for each subsequent day.
The monthly contribution paid by the members ranges from €30 to €500 and is deducted from the payroll. The member can change it, with his request, by increasing or decreasing it within the above limits, once a year.
From the monthly contribution, €4.5 is credited to the solidarity branch. Of the remaining amount, 6% finances the Fund's Equity and 94% is credited to the member's individual share in the One-time Branch.
Representative of Lesvos TEAAPL
See the agents
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Contact the cashier
40 Veranzerou
4th floor
P.C. 10432
Working hours
Mon - Fri
08:30 – 14:30