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The statute
of the Greek Section of the International Police Union


1. The Statute of the Greek Section of the International Police Union was approved by resolution no. 10547 from 16-5-1966 decision of the Court of First Instance of Athens. It is published as reorganized, supplemented and adapted to the changes that have occurred in the International Statute and re-approved with no. 1343 from 31-3-1987 decision of the same Court of First Instance.
2.     The same Statute with a special vote of the members of the 6th Panhellenic Conference of I.P.A. which met at the offices of the Union in Athens on 21-2-1990, was amended in certain provisions of articles 2, 3, 4, 12, 34, 40 and 44 and after being republished, was then approved with the no. 4201 of 3-12-1991 decision of the Court of First Instance of Athens, since then it is valid, as amended.
3.     The same Statute with a new vote of the members of the 9th Panhellenic Congress of the I.P.A., which met in Thessaloniki on 8-5-1993 it was amended in certain provisions of articles 2, 29 and 30 and after being republished, it was then approved by the no. 257 of 27-1-1994 decision of the Court of First Instance of Athens, since then it is valid, as amended.
4.     The same Statute with a new vote of the members of the 19th Panhellenic Congress of the I.R.A., which met in Halkidiki on 10-5-2003 it was amended in certain provisions of articles 2, 31 and 34 and after it was republished, it was then approved by the decision no. 6815 of 8-12-2003 of the Court of First Instance of Athens, and since then it is valid, as amended.
5.     The same Statute with a new vote of the members of the 21st Panhellenic Congress of the I.R.A., which met in Chania on 7-5-2005 it was amended in the provisions of the article  4 and after it was republished, it was then approved by the decision no. 3480 of 6-6-2006 of the Court of First Instance of Athens, since then it has been in force, as amended.
6.     The same Statute with a new vote of the members of the 22nd Panhellenic Congress of the I.R.A., which met in Kalambaka (Meteora) on 28- 4-2006 was amended in the provisions of articles 2, 3, 4, 9, 12, 15, 16, 26, 27, 29, 33, 34, 35, 37, 40, and 42 and after being republished, it was then approved with sub No. 3686 from 3-6-2008 decision of the Court of First Instance of Athens, since then it is valid, as amended.
7.     The same Statute with a new vote of the members of the 23rd Panhellenic Congress of the I.R.A., which met in Thassos (Kavala) on 5- 5-2007 was amended in the provisions of article 15 and after it was republished, it was then approved with no. 168 of 13-1-2011 decision of the Court of First Instance of Athens, since then it is valid, as amended.
8.     The same Statute with a new vote of the members of the 30th Panhellenic Congress of the I.R.A., which met in Kamena Vourla on 21-6- 2014 and of the 31st Panhellenic Conference which met in Porto-Karras/Halkidiki on 15-5-2015 was amended   and after it was republished, it was then approved with no. 481/2016 from 6-12-2016 decision of the Athens Magistrate's Court, since then it is valid, as amended.


Article 1
Constitution – Name – Headquarters
1. A Cultural and Social Police Association is established, as part of the INTERNATIONAL POLICE ASSOCIATION (I.R.A.) under the name International Police Association (I.E.A.) Hellenic Section.-
2. Emblem of the Union is the phrase "SERVO ΠER AMIKECO" in the dialect of Esperanto, which in Greek means "I serve through friendship". The symbol of the Association is the one approved by the International Police Association and represents the globe, surrounded by the phrases "INTERNATIONAL POLICE ASSOCIATION" and "SERVO PER AMIKECO".-
3. Headquarters of the Police Union is Athens. However, it is possible by decision of the Panhellenic Conference of the Union to designate another city in Greece, if the key executives of the Board of Directors reside in that city.-

Article 2
Purpose of the Union.
1. The International Police Union is a non-profit association and is committed to the principles set out in the International Declaration of Human Rights as adopted by the UN. in 1948.-
2. The purpose of the Police Union is to create friendly relations and develop a spirit of solidarity and mutual service and assistance between police officers and their families, who are members of the International Police Union (IPU) on a national and global scale, as well as the organization of events, which contribute to the spiritual, cultural and professional development of its members, in accordance with the principles governing the International Police Union (IPU).-
3. In particular, the purposes of the Union include the following:
a] The unification of all members of the Union and the cultivation of a spirit of philanthropy, mutual understanding, friendship and love.-
b] The establishment of a mutual aid account of the members of the Union, the operation of which will be governed by a special Regulation.
c] The service of communication, mutual acquaintance and contact between its members and members of Departments of other countries on a global scale.-
d] The organization of visits and excursions at home and abroad for its members and their families.-
e] The organization of visits and hospitality for members and their families in holiday centers or other accommodations under the auspices of the National Department and the Local Administrations of the Union.-
f] The facilitation of the exchange of professional knowledge and experiences between its members and the members of Departments of other countries.-
g] The improvement of the image of the Police, as well as the improvement of Police-Public relations.-
h] The exchange of young men and women, sons, daughters or relatives of the members of the Association and their international meetings with the aim of developing greater tolerance and understanding of the work of the Police.-
i] The promotion of international publications and the provision of assistance in the collection of bibliography and works on issues related to the Police, the Law and the Law.-
j] The development and cultivation of sportsmanship, the establishment and operation of sports venues, as well as the organization of Panhellenic and International sports events and meetings (shooting, football, basketball, volleyball, table sports, etc.).-

k] The publication of a magazine and other forms of the Association for the purpose of informing its members, for the promotion of its activity and for the publication of texts and works of social, scientific and cultural content and interest.- The person in charge of these publications, as well as the headquarters of the Journal are defined by a decision of the Board of Directors. of the National Department or the Local Administration.-

l] Attempt to undertake international collaborations with reliable civil society bodies (such as non-governmental organizations, local development bodies, local authorities, universities, networks, agricultural cooperatives, private initiative bodies) of developing countries, with the aim of substantially improving the
economic and social level of the inhabitants and the reduction of poverty. These collaborations will extend and cover the fields of humanitarian aid, food aid as well as the development of cooperation in all sectors. In particular, efforts should be made to strengthen and implement programs in the key areas of human rights protection, social care and welfare, education and training, environmental protection and equality between men and women.
m) Searches for advantageous offers of products and services, for the needs of members and their families, which it announces through the magazine and the Website.
4. The Police Union has nothing to do with any other organization at home or abroad, except for the National Departments of the D.E.A. and does not get involved in activities related to politics, religious beliefs and racial discrimination.- Also the Union may not become a member of another Organization or take part in profit-making or business activities related or unrelated to its purposes.-
Article 3
Composition of the Police Union.
1. The Local Commands belong to the Police Union, which are established in each Police Directorate or General Police Directorate of the Hellenic Police and are based at the headquarters of the Directorate.-
2. The Local Administrations as members of the Police Union are governed by the provisions herein and develop the activity of within the limits of their area.-
3. The establishment of a Local Administration must be requested from the National Department by at least 20 members residing in the same Police Directorate.-
4. The Greek Department of the DEA consists of 54 Local Administrations which are referred to in article 40 par. B. of the statute.

Article 4
Members of the Union.
1. Police, Border Guards and Special Guards  active or retired as well as students of the Greek Police Schools can become members of the Union after their application and the proposal of two members who sign the application.
2. Police officers from foreign departments are also accepted and registered as members of the Greek Department, as long as there is no Department of the DEA. in the country they come from. –
3. All members of the Union belong to the Local Commands of the Police Departments they serve. After their demobilization in the Local Commands where they reside. In the event of relocation or change of residence, they are registered with a declaration to the Local Administration in the district in which they settled.-
4. The members of the Union are provided by the Union with a special identity card.-
5. Retired police officers from other countries, who are not members of the IRA and settle in Greece, may become members of the Greek Department only if they meet the conditions herein. If they are members of the IRA, they can maintain their status in the first country or register in the Registers of the Greek Section with the obligation to comply with the provisions of the Statute, as well as the decisions of the Section's bodies.-
6. Each prospective member, in the Application for Registration, declares that he has taken note of the statutory provisions of the Union and unconditionally accepts its content, and allows the DEA-National Department to keep in its Member Registers the information referred to therein. DEA guarantees the protection of the personal data of each member from any illegal access and unfair processing as well as their use exclusively and solely for the purposes of the Union.

Article 5
1. The members of the Union are divided into the following categories:
a] Regular members
b] Honorary members.
2. Regular members:
a] Regular members are active and retired police officers, who
retain membership for life unless deleted in accordance with
articles 7 and 8.
b] Honorary members of the Police Union are declared by the
Board of Directors of the National Section and following a reasoned proposal by the member of the Council or Local Administration, persons, regardless of gender, nationality, color or religion, who have provided serious moral or material assistance to the Union.-
The title of honorary is awarded with the same procedure to members who, holding offices, have demonstrably offered serious services in the organizational field and in the dissemination of the idea and philosophy of the Union. The award is made after they leave the office they hold.- The decision of the Board of Directors. for the awarding of honorary status, it must be obtained by a majority of 3/4 of all its members.- Honorary members, regardless of their honorary position, do not exercise management, but may be invited and participate without a vote in the meetings of the Panhellenic Conference, at the General Assemblies of Local Administrations and the Board of Directors-
The Board of Directors awards a special diploma to the honorary members.-
The Board of Directors of  E.T. after a proposal, decides on the awarding of a special medal to members of the D.E.A. which rendered excellent services  to her.
Article 6
Rights and obligations of members.
1. The regular members of the Union have the right to be elected to all positions, as long as the conditions, determined by the Statute, are met and they have been registered as members at least two years before submitting a candidacy for their election.
2. Regular members have the right to participate, according to their capabilities, in the Union's events and an obligation to work diligently and selflessly to promote its goals, to observe the Law, the Statute and the Internal Regulation, to be disciplined in decisions of the Administration, the Panhellenic Conference and the General Assembly of the Local Administrations and not to behave in a manner inappropriate to the status of the member.-
3. Regular members have the obligation to pay the amount determined by the Board of Directors. as an annual subscription.
4. Regular members, as long as they have fulfilled their financial obligations in accordance with the Statute, are entitled to attend the General Assemblies of the members of the Union, to take the floor, to vote on all matters on the agenda and to elect in accordance with the provisions of this Statute the Administration of the Union.-
5. Regular members must willingly undertake and perform any work assigned to them by the Panhellenic Congress, the General Assembly or the Board of Directors and attend the Meetings and other gatherings of the Union.-
6. All members have the right to submit written proposals to the Administration of the Union related to its purposes and activities, which are examined and acted upon according to the existing possibilities of their realization.-
7. It is expressly forbidden for members to participate in strikes, trade union mobilizations and any kind of events of political entities with the status of a member of the International Police Union.

Article 7
Loss of membership.
The loss of membership occurs in the following two cases:
1. In the case of withdrawal. The members of the Union may leave it freely after their written declaration. The withdrawal is effective from the day the declaration is submitted to the Board of Directors.-
2. In the case of deletion. The Board of Directors and the Panhellenic Conference have the possibility to delete a member of the Association according to article 8 hereof.-

Article 8
Members of the Union who do not fulfill their financial and general obligations towards it or who demonstrate behavior inappropriate to their status as members, manifest opposition to the purposes of the International Union and violate the statutory provisions or the Regulations and the decisions of the Panhellenic Conference or the provisions of the Law related to Unions, are punished according to the gravity of the offense:
a. by written recommendation,
b. with temporary expulsion from the Union for up to 6 months,
c. with definitive expulsion from the Union.
Penalties are imposed by the Board of Directors of the National Section with a reasoned decision taken by a majority of 3/4 of its members, after having previously summoned the member of the Union, who is charged with the charge, to make an apology.-
The apology must be made within 15 days of the notification, after which the member is judged without it.- The Board of Directors. disciplinary action is taken from home after any complaint or after a proposal by the Local Administration.- Decisions on the penalties imposed are notified with proof of receipt to the interested parties.- The interested party has the right to appeal the decision of the Board of Directors. to the first Panhellenic Congress of the Union, filing a relevant appeal within a period of two months from the day on which the decision was communicated to him.- The Panhellenic Congress irrevocably decides whether or not to accept the appeal of the member, who was punished by a majority of 3/4 of those present. Until the decision of the Panhellenic Conference, the implementation of the decision of the Board of Directors. is not suspended.- The member who appealed is entitled to develop his arguments orally, or to read his appeal before the Court before the relevant decision is taken.-

Article 9
1.- The Board of Directors is obliged to delete from the Register of Members of the Union:
a. The member dismissed from the Police Forces by decision of the Disciplinary Board.
b. The member who has been criminally prosecuted and has been irrevocably convicted of a gross misdemeanor or felony.
c. The member who was punished by permanent removal from the Board of Directors. or the Panhellenic Congress of the Union,
d. The member who for three years delays the fulfillment of his financial obligations to the Union.

e. The member who leaves the force before retiring.-
2.- Members who leave the Union in any way may not request the return of the amounts they have paid or contributed to it and are obliged to return the Identity Card.-

Article 10
Resources of the Union
The resources of the Union are divided into regular and extraordinary.-
Regular resources are the annual subscriptions, income from the property of the Union and the right of registration. The amount of the registration right and the annual subscription are determined by the Board of Directors.
The Association may collect once a year the registration fees and generally the subscriptions of its members with the withholding and return system through payroll, pension payment or dividend after the written consent of the member in the application for registration.
The subscriptions of active members are withheld by the Financial Management of the Hellenic Police and are attributed to the Union according to the membership statements submitted with the February payroll of each year.
Retired members' contributions may be paid directly to the Local Administration or National Section or be withheld by the pension or dividend payer and credited to the Union in accordance with the membership statements submitted with February payroll each year.
A necessary condition for the above is the written consent of the members in the registration application where, among other things, it is stated that: ΄΄ I declare that I agree to the withholding of my subscription set by the Board of Directors through my payroll or the pension and dividend payment body΄΄.
Subscriptions of a smaller amount than what the Board of Directors defines as the ΄΄annual subscription΄΄ and are expected to be paid by the members, cannot be collected.
Contingent resources are voluntary contributions from members. Those imposed by decision of the Panhellenic Congress, donations, legacies, legacies, contributions by natural or legal persons in favor of the purposes of the Union, income from various events, state grants or grants of Public or Private Legal Entities of the country or foreign and generally any other legal income.-
Donations, grants, contributions, aids and other extraordinary income to the E.T. and the T.D. they should always be signed and accepted by a decision of the Board of Directors and a relevant entry of acceptance in the   minutes of the E,T. or T.D. as well as a relevant entry in the E.T.'s cash book. or of T.D.

Article 11
Legacies or conditional donations are accepted after approval by the Board of Directors. the decision of which is ratified by the General Assembly at its next meeting.
Inheritances are always accepted for the benefit of the inventory.- Inheritances, legacies and donations in favor of the Union for a certain purpose, are under special management within the budget, and the income derived from them is available exclusively according to the conditions set by the testator or the donor. -
In the event that the Union issues various forms, any surplus from their management goes to the Fund of the Union, as well as the receipts from holidays and various other events, organized in accordance with the provisions of the Law by the Union or by other legal entities persons in favor of its goals at home or abroad.-
For any grants from the State or Legal Entities of Public or Private Law of the country or abroad for special purposes of the Union, a special display is made to facilitate the rendering of the account.-

Article 12
The income from the members' contributions is collected by the Treasurer of the National Section every year.- From the total receipts a percentage is deducted, the amount of which is determined by the International Council, the amount of which no later than April 1st of each year is sent to the International Fund of the International Police Union, to deal with operational and administrative needs on an international scale. and Functional needs and for the fulfillment of their social and cultural purposes. The allocation of revenue is made by decision of the Board of Directors.-

Article 13
Revenues from other sources remain as revenues of the Local Governments from which they were generated or to which they were offered. Donations or legacies of real estate are made to the National Department or Local Administrations as long as they have a Statute and therefore have a legal entity and fiscal independence..-

Article 14
The disposal of any financial surplus of the previous  year  is made by decisions of the Boards of Directors of the National Department  or the Local Administrations, respectively serving the purposes of the Union.

Article 15
1. The Union is managed by  an eleven-member Board of Directors, elected every three years during the regular Congress with a relative majority of the members present after universal secret voting. The Board of Directors consists of:
a)      President
b)     A' Vice President
c)     B' Vice President
d)     C' Vice President
e)     Secretary-General 
f)      Deputy Secretary General
g)      Treasurer
h)      Deputy Treasurer
i)     Public Relations Officer
j)     Member
k)      Member

Local Administrations are governed by nine-member Boards of Directors  and members (i) & (k) are not elected to them.
2. The members of the Board of Directors are elected from the list of candidates for regular members of the Union in order of majority. The next three members are elected as alternates in the order in which they were elected. The right to submit a nomination is for the members who are settled financially and have completed two years as members of the Union.
3. In the event of a tie between the last two to complete the number of members of the Board of Directors. candidates are drawn. The non-favored is the first alternate member.-
4. The members of the Board of Directors deceased, resigned, declared dismissed from the Board of Directors or recalled by the Panhellenic Congress are replaced by the substitutes in the order of their success in seniority and until the end of the term of the Board of Directors-
5. The alternates invited to the Board of Directors cannot be more than the regular members already participating in it. If the required  substitutes do not exist or it is not possible to achieve a quorum without more than the regular substitutes participating in the Board of Directors, within 60 days the General Assembly must be convened to elect new administrative bodies, upon invitation of the Chairman of the Board of Directors or his deputy, which takes place no later than 10 days after the last meeting of the Board of Directors.
6. The membership of the Board of Directors it is considered an honorary position and is unpaid. The members of the Board of Directors they are only entitled to their various expenses in the exercise of their duties within the framework of their competences.-
7. Any other relationship on a financial basis between the members of the Board of Directors. and the legal entity of the Union is prohibited.-

Article 16
Formation of a body of the Board of Directors
The Board of Directors with the care of the majority member, it meets within eight (8) days of its election and is formed into a House.
The President, the 1st Vice-President, the 2nd Vice-President, the 3rd Vice-President, the General Secretary, the Deputy General Secretary, the Treasurer and the Deputy Treasurer of the Union are elected by secret ballot among its members, the person responsible for Public.
Within the next eight days from the formation of the new Board of Directors. receives from the outgoing Board of Directors the Administration of the Union. The old Board of Directors continues to manage the current affairs until the assumption of duties of the new Board of Directors.
Article 17
Meetings of the Board of Directors – Quorum
The Board of Directors meets regularly every 30 to 50 days and exceptionally when there is a need for immediate decision-making.- The Board of Directors convenes in a regular meeting. at the invitation of its President, who also defines the topics of the agenda and is notified to the members at least five days before the meeting.
The Board convenes in an extraordinary meeting, when the President deems it necessary or when 1/3 of the members of the Board request it. with their request, in which the issues to be discussed are mentioned and the urgency of their discussion is justified.-
In this case, the President is obliged to convene the Board of Directors. in an extraordinary meeting within 5 days from the appearance of the urgent matter or from the submission of the request.-
In the relevant invitation, the issues to be discussed and the names of the councilors who requested the meeting are mentioned.- If the President refuses to convene the Council, the A Vice-President calls it, if the B Vice-President refuses, and if the D also refuses, the D. S. convenes automatically at the invitation of one of the advisors, who requested that the Council be convened, in which the refusal of the above to convene it is also expressly mentioned.
In this case, the oldest of the Councilors acts as President.- The Board of Directors. it is considered a quorum, when its present members are more than those absent and it decides by open vote and an absolute majority of those present, except in the cases where according to the Statutes a qualified majority of all its members is required.
In the event of a tie, the vote of the President or his Deputy President prevails.- On personal matters, voting is secret and an absolute majority of all the members of the Board of Directors is required.- The representation of a member of the Board of Directors. in meetings is not allowed.-
Member of the Board of Directors who is unreasonably absent from three consecutive meetings, in which he was called and did not notify of his non-participation, is declared dismissed from office by reasoned decision of the Board of Directors, taken by an absolute majority of those present.
The discount is recommended to the Board of Directors. the General Secretary and if he refuses a member of the Board of Directors, designated by the President, after inviting the person concerned to justify his absence in writing and within a regular period.
The Board of Directors decides definitively whether absences are justified or not, which in the latter case declares the member suspended.-
Member of the Board of Directors who for any reason is absent from the meetings of the Council for 6/month automatically loses the office. The discount is confirmed with a relevant document from the President to the interested party.-
The vacant position of the discount is occupied by a decision of the Board of Directors. from the first alternate member in order of success in seniority. If a position of a member of the Board of Directors remains vacant, and the substitute members are not sufficient to cover it, the Board of Directors shall appoints in his place a member of the Union for the period of time until the term of office of the Board of Directors expires.
The members of the Board of Directors are personally and jointly and severally responsible for the decisions taken by it. However, they are not responsible for the decisions made by the Board of Directors. received at a meeting, who did not attend or attended but disagreed and their disagreement is confirmed by the Minutes of the meeting.

Article 18
Responsibilities and function of the Board of Directors
The Board of Directors manages the Union responsibly, manages all its affairs and property in accordance with the Law, the Statute and the decisions of the Panhellenic Congress and acts in the interest and fulfillment of the purposes of the Union, any act not expressly governed by the Law or of the Statute in the competence of the Panhellenic Congress.-
Particularly within the framework of his responsibilities: Draws up the Internal Regulations of the Union which regulate in more detail its internal operation, submits it to the Panhellenic Congress to approve it and ensures its observance, functionally organizes the various sections of the Union and supervises the their smooth operation, convenes the Panhellenic Congress and prepares the agenda of its subjects, prepares at the end of each year the balance sheet and cash balance and prepares the Budget for the following year and submits them for approval to the annual regular Panhellenic Congress, appoints and dismisses the salaried staff of the Union, assigns various orders to the members of the Union as well as its special representation, sets up committees, sub-committees, various ephorates and working groups from members of the Union, to which it assigns various tasks to help it in its work or to certain areas of activity of the Union as well as and in the execution, study and research of certain issues within the context of the purposes of the Union and the D.E.A.
Defines the representation at the International Conferences of the D.E.A.-
Processing  the proposals  of nominations  from T.D. for the selection of the place of the organization of the P.S. For this purpose, a three-member committee  is appointed by the Board of Directors. under the supervision of the President of ET. and after processing the submitted proposals, proposes its decision in an advisory and reasoned manner  to the Board of Directors, for the final decision of the ET Board of Directors, which has sole responsibility and decides on the organization of the Uni. Conference.
Finally, the Board of Directors has disciplinary jurisdiction over the members of the Union and the ability to impose the prescribed penalties.-
For the meetings of the Board of Directors and for the decisions made in them, minutes are kept by the General Secretary or the assistant of the General Secretary.
By decision of the Board of Directors it is possible to tape record its minutes, the responsibility  of their transcription and entry in the minute book rests with the Secretary General in collaboration with the President.
These minutes are validated after each meeting with the signatures of the members who participated in it. No member of the Board of Directors he does not have the right to refuse to sign the minutes of the meeting in which he participated, but all members have the right in the event that they disagreed to request that their point of view be entered in the minutes in summary according to its essential points. A summary of the decisions of the Board of Directors may be published for the information of the members, but under no circumstances are recorded minutes published and offenders are subject to disciplinary action.
In cases of overlapping or empty responsibilities between the members of the Board of Directors or operational responsibilities of the Board of Directors, these are regulated by an absolute majority decision of the Board of Directors. The decisions apply to all members of the Union, present, absent or dissenting, and bind the Union.
Decisions taken without the necessary quorum of the members of the Board of Directors are invalid.

Article 19
Delivery pick-up

    1. After the election of the members and the formation of the new Board of Directors. within the next 8 days the new Board of Directors receives from the outgoing Board of Directors the Administration of the Union or the Local Administration.
2. The outgoing Board of Directors must draw up a Handover Protocol and hand over the keys as well as all the assets of the Union, which are recorded in the property book of the Union.
3. To inform about the existing pending cases and especially about the cases that need action, either by verbal agreements or in writing so as to fully demonstrate the smooth execution of the Union's work. The outgoing Management must cooperate with the newly elected Board of Directors in order to fully inform it of all matters. In the event that a member of the old Management is indifferent, embarrasses or fails to cooperate with his successor in the direction of the smooth operation of the Union and the TDs, then the member of the outgoing Board is subject to disciplinary control.
Article 20
Responsibilities of members of the Board of Directors.
The Chairman of the Board of Directors represents the Union in all Courts, in Administrative Authorities and in general in its relations with third parties, natural or legal persons of private or public law.
Convenes the Board of Directors and the Panhellenic Conference of the Union and draws up the agenda of the issues of the Board meetings, directs the discussions, puts the issues to a vote for decision-making and signs the minutes. He can also preside over Congresses as long as he is elected by them. The President of the Greek National Section cannot be elected consecutively for more than 2 terms. –
He signs with the General Secretary all the Union's documents and correspondence, as well as the payment orders to the Treasurer, the withdrawal orders from the Treasurer of the Union's deposits in a Bank and issues, accepts and endorses bills of exchange, drafts and checks together with the Treasurer.-
He validates with his signature the copies and excerpts of the minutes of the Board of Directors. and the Panhellenic Conference.
It ensures the harmonization of the Union's activities with the applicable provisions of the legislation, for the observance of the Statute, as well as for the execution of the decisions of the Panhellenic Conference and the Board of Directors. of the Union. Exercises general supervision in all areas of activity of the Union and its Local Administrations, coordinates and directs every action to achieve its goals and handles all its affairs in general.- The President of the Board of Directors. assigns some of his responsibilities and duties to the Vice-Presidents or other members of the Board of Directors. with his written authorization.- The President may also delegate the processing of Union affairs to other members of the Union other than the Board of Directors.

Article 21
The First Vice-President of the Board of Directors replaces the President when he is absent or incapacitated and coordinates the activities of the members. he is responsible from home or by order of the President on all matters of his competence, as defined in the Regulation of Internal Operation of the Union and is responsible for communication and information of the corresponding Committee of the International Police Union.-

Article 22
The 2nd Vice President of the Board of Directors replaces the President who is absent or disabled in case of disability and the A Vice President.- He is the President of the Ephorate of Cultural and Educational Affairs and is appointed from home or by order of the President of the Board of Directors. on all matters of his competence, as determined by the Regulation of Internal Operation of the Union.-

Article 23
The 3rd Vice-President of the Board of Directors is President of the Ephorate for the Union's social issues and is appointed from home or by order of the President of the Board of Directors. on all matters of his competence, as determined by the Regulation of Internal Operation of the Union.-

Article 24
The Presidents of the Ephorates of the Union propose the members, whom they deem suitable to form the Committees, ensure that they are informed about the subject of their competence and proceed with the allocation of missions for their better execution.- For his actions, they inform the Chairman of the Board and request the approval of the Board of Directors.- In this capacity they are liaisons of the Union with the corresponding Committees of the International Police Union with which they communicate and provide the data and information requested. By decision of the Board of Directors the status of the Association can be assigned to another member of the Committee.- They coordinate the activities of the T.D. and generally take care of the development of their field of activity.-

Article 25
The General Secretary: is the head of the Secretariat, keeps the Seal of the Union, assisted by the Assistant General Secretary, keeps the Protocol, the File, the Registers of the members and in general all the books of the Union except accounting and Treasury. With the help of a member of the Union, designated by the Board of Directors. keeps the minutes of the meetings of the Board of Directors, takes care of their registration in the special book and issues copies-excerpts from them and within 15  days of the day of the meeting of the Board of Directors informs the Board of Directors about the issues that were discussed, the decisions taken and who participated.  It publishes  also copies and excerpts from the minutes of the Panhellenic Conferences, which it also oversees the observance of. He takes care of the processing of the correspondence, draws up and co-signs with the President all Union documents and payment orders to the Treasurer.- He certifies with his signature all copies or certificates issued by the Union from its books.-
Manages with the President the preparation and notification to the members of the agenda for the meetings of the Board of Directors. and for the Panhellenic Congress of the Union and is the permanent rapporteur of the topics for discussion at the meetings of the Board of Directors.
He is responsible for the constant updating with the necessary documents and information of the Union's special files in the Court of First Instance of Athens and the Supervisory Authority. General Secretary.-

Article 26
The Treasurer takes care of the Union's finances.- He collects every amount given to the Union for any reason and issues special duplicate numbered and stamped receipts. –
It pays and repays all the Union's obligations based on the payment orders, which bear the signature of the President and the General Secretary or their legal deputies and are issued in accordance with a special or more general decision of the Board of Directors.
Compiles the documents of the Fund and updates the book of the Fund.- Maintains under his responsibility the books prescribed by the Law as well as what he deems necessary for the accounting order of the Union.
He is obliged to prepare and deliver every quarter to the Board of Directors. a summary statement of the revenues and expenses of the quarter that has passed and the balance of the Fund and a summary of the Union's financial situation.- He manages the Union's Fund under his personal responsibility and is responsible for any anomaly in its finances. 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Makes the necessary withdrawals/deposits to and from the Union's bank accounts with a specific written order from the President countersigned by the Secretary General. The Board of Directors defines the amount beyond which a decision is needed for withdrawals.  The Treasurer co-signs the credit certificates with the President.
For current financial transactions he is assisted by the assistant Treasurer. At the end of the year, he prepares and submits for approval to the Board of Directors. the Account of the financial management and the Balance Sheet of the Union for the past year, as well as the Budget for the following year. –
The management year of the Union begins on January 1 and ends on December 31 of each year. The Treasury Report and Balance Sheet are subject to the control of the audit committee after its work, whose reports are submitted to the Board of Directors to be included  in the file of the annual Regular Panhellenic Congress of the Union.
When the Treasurer is absent or unable to perform his duties, he is replaced by the Deputy. Treasurer.-

Article 27
Books of the Union.
Under the responsibility of the respective Board of Directors. the following books must be kept by the Union:
1. Registers of regular and honorary members of the Union with the full name, address, profession, year of birth, citizenship for honorary members and the date of registration for each member.-
2. Book of Minutes of the Panhellenic Conferences of the members of the Union.-
3. Book of Minutes of Board Meetings-
4. Cash Book - receipts and payments.-
5. Property book of the Union, where all its movable and immovable property is registered.-
6. Book of Audit Committee Reports.-
7. Book of Penalties of the Members of the Union.-
8. Protocol of incoming and outgoing documents.-
9. Book of Minutes of General Assemblies Top. Commands.
All books must have their pages numbered, while they can also be kept in electronic form - Every member of the Union has the right to obtain knowledge of the Register of members, the Fund book and the Book of Property of the Union.
The non-observance as well as the  illegal observance of the above books is a serious violation of the obligations of the members of the Board of Directors,  the Audit Committee of the Union_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ and members of the TĐ  and is subject to disciplinary control, according to article 8 of the statute
The TDs do not keep the books a) Book of Minutes of the Panhellenic Conferences of the members of the Union and b) the book of Penalties of the members of the Union.-

Article 28
Management Audit - Audit Committee.
The Audit Committee is elected every three years by the Panhellenic Conference by universal secret voting from a single ballot together with the members of the Board of Directors - It has three regular members, elected in order of success with a relative majority from the regular members of the Union
In addition to these, two substitutes are also elected.
In the event that due to death or disqualification or resignation of members of the E.U. the existing substitutes are not enough to cover the positions, then the Board of Directors of the National Department or the T.D. must within 30 days call for elections with the sole purpose of nominating new members for the EU, until the end of the current term.
The Auditing Committee audits the financial management of the Union regularly at the end of the management year, and exceptionally whenever its members unanimously decide to do so.
For each audit carried out by the Audit Committee, it prepares a relevant report, which is entered in the special book. - The report on the annual regular audit is submitted to the annual regular Panhellenic Conference together with the annual management report and the Balance Sheet of the Union.-
The running costs of the E.U. at the headquarters of the National Department for the regular or extraordinary control of the finances and the expenses of their participation in the Panhellenic Conference, are covered by the National Department, with  based on the current and the decisions for the meetings of the members of the .S. of the National Department.

Article 29
National Conference.
1. The Panhellenic Conference is the governing body of the Police Union and competent to examine and decide on any matter concerning the Union.-
2. The Panhellenic Conference is attended by:
a] The members of the Board of Directors of the Association, without the right to vote.
b] One representative from each Local Administration, appointed by its Board of Directors with the right to vote, as well as up to two observers  without the right to vote or more with the approval of the Board and decision of the General Assembly. The travel and participation costs of the observers are not covered by the ET.
c] The representative of the Union at the International Conferences, without the right to vote.
d] The members of the Union who hold a position in the Administration of the International Police Union, without the right to vote.
e] The publisher of the Association's Journal, without the right to vote.
f] The current members of the National Section may participate in the Panhellenic Conference, without voting.
g) The technicians who will cover microphones, the video recording, sound recording of the Conference - general assembly, as well as the managers of the websites and magazines (National Department and Local Administrations), as long as they are not covered by the above paragraphs and without the right to vote. Also representatives of the Mass Media as long as they have the approval of the General Assembly.
3. Before the start of the works of the P.S. with the care of the General Secretary, the legalization of the present representatives of the T.D. is checked. for this purpose as it is established if they are financially sound, if their Local Governments have held legal elections and those who do not meet these two conditions are excluded.
4. The Panhellenic Congress of the Union meets regularly once a year and within the first semester of each calendar year, and exceptionally when this is deemed necessary by a 2/3 majority of the Board of Directors of the Union or if requested by at least 1/3 of the Local Management, which in their application to the Board of the Union must also mention the topics proposed for discussion.
In this case the Board of Directors must meet within 20 days from the submission of the request and examine the request.- In the event that it deems that there is no reason for convening the Panhellenic Conference, it shall notify the proposal to the other Local Administrations and as long as 50% of these agrees with the request, the Board of Directors must convene the Congress within three months.-
The Panhellenic Congress is convened by a circular to the members of the Congress and the Local Administrations, which mentions the date, time and place of the Congress and is signed by the President and the Secretary General of the Board. It also contains the items of the Agenda and a note on the resumption of the Conference in case there is no quorum.
With the closing ceremony of each Panhellenic Congress, the IRA Flag can be handed over and received from the Local Administration that held the Panhellenic Congress, to the Local Administration that will host the next Panhellenic Congress as long as it has been designated. The proposals of the TAs are submitted to the ET by December 31 of the previous year.

Article 30
Responsibilities of the Congress.
The competence of the Panhellenic Conference includes all issues that do not fall under the competence of another body, and in particular:
a] The election of the organs of the Administration of the National Department.
b] The approval of the annual report and the financial report of the Board of Directors, as well as the Balance Sheet - Budget of the Union and the exemption of its members from any responsibility for the period under review.
c] The approval of the Internal and other Regulations of the Union,
d] The decision to delete members who appeal to it.
e] The control of the proper functioning of the organs of the Administration and of the Local Administrations,
f] The decision to amend provisions of the Statute, the disposal of the Association's property and its dissolution.
g) Nominations are submitted, from the Local Administrations, for the assignment of the organization of the Annual Friendly Meeting of the Local Administrations, which will be held in the last quarter of the same year. The awarding decision is taken by open voting by the Delegates if there is one nomination and by secret voting if there are two or more nominations.
h) In the event that there are no proposals for the location of the   annual Friendly Meeting of the Local Governments, the Board of Directors of the ET decides and the sole responsibility for the organization is assumed by the organizer TD. In addition, ET provides any assistance requested by TD.
i) If Local Administration is chosen, then in the tender search committee (hotel complex, etc.) as well as in all procedures (visits-invitations of EL.AS leadership, local authorities, etc.), it will compulsorily participate the President of the Local Administration or his designated substitute.

Article 31
The Panhellenic Congress is in a quorum if at least 1/2 of the members are present, except in cases where a special quorum is required by the Statute.
The intended members must be present in person at the Congress, they are either the President of the T.D. or designated by the Board of Directors member of the T.D..

Article 32
The Agenda drawn up by the Board of Directors for the regular Panhellenic Conferences, it necessarily includes the following topics:
a] Approval of the report of the actions of the Board of Directors. during the previous year.
b] Approval of the Cash Statement and the Balance Sheet of the previous year and the Audit Committee report thereof.
c] Approval of the revenue and expenditure budget for the year in which the Assembly convenes.
d)  the issues to be submitted  at least 3 months earlier than T.D. in the National Department.
e] Other matters. In the event of Seniority for the appointment of new Management, the election of a new Board of Directors and Audit Committee is also mentioned as an issue.
The agenda of the extraordinary Panhellenic Congress must include only the topics proposed by those requesting its extraordinary convocation. The discussion of issues that are not included in the agenda is prohibited, and in the event that such an issue will be discussed, the decision that will be taken is invalid.-

Article 33
Election of General Assembly Presidium & Electoral Committee.
Before the agenda, the Congress elects from among its members the President and its Secretary with a relative majority of those present, as well as a three-member Electoral Committee in order to carry out elections
The presidium and the electoral committee are elected by secret ballot and the electoral committee is chaired by the member who voted the most. The proposal for the aforementioned members is made by the Chairman of the Board of Directors or a member/members of the Conference. Until the election of the presidium of the Conference, the President and the General Secretary of the Board of Directors perform duties of temporary presidium.
The President of the Panhellenic Conference who may or may not be the President of the Board. of the Union announces the start and end of the work of the Conference, introduces the agenda items for discussion, directs the discussions on them and puts the items to a vote. –
In the debates, the President gives the floor to any of the members who ask him to present his views on the issues of the agenda and removes him from those who are outside its issues. He also recalls to the class any deviating member, which he can also remove from the room after a decision of the Conference, which is taken by secret ballot in case of serious deviation s.-
At the Regular Conferences, the Chairman of the Board of Directors announces the actions of the Council during the time that has passed.
The Treasurer then analyzes the Financial Report and Balance Sheet of the Association for the past management year and submits the Budget for the next financial year. After the Treasurer, one of the members of the Auditing Committee reads his report on the annual audit, which he carried out in the financial management, which concerns the Cash Account and the Balance Sheet, and the President calls on the Assembly to approve the Cash Account, the Balance Sheet and the Budget and to absolve the Administration of the Union from any responsibility, after previously giving the floor to any member who requests it to express his views on them.
Before closing the discussion, the President of the Board of Directors responds to those who spoke. and the voting follows for the approval of the transactions, the Cash Statement, the Balance Sheet and the Budget and the exemption of the Board of Directors from all responsibility.-
For all matters within its jurisdiction, the Congress decides by open voting by show of hands or by roll call, except in the case of personal matters and the election of an administrative body, where the voting is secret.-
Decisions are taken by an absolute majority of the members present, who have the right to vote, except for the decisions to amend the Statutes, dissolve the Union and recall a member of the Board, where a majority of 3/4 of the members present and with the right to vote is required and the decision for changing the purpose of the Union, where the consent of all its members is necessary.-
The members of the Board of Directors do not take part in the voting for the approval of the Balance Sheet and Financial Statement and the exemption of the Management from management responsibility.
The secret ballot for the election of the President, the members of the Board of Directors. and of the Audit Committee is carried out on a single ballot and under the supervision of the Electoral Committee, which the Panhellenic Congress elects.-
Any objection against the validity of the vote must be submitted before or after the vote to the Conference, which will rule on it immediately.- With the indication MEMBERS OF THE BOARD. the candidate advisors of the Board of Directors are registered on the same ballot in alphabetical order of their last names.- At the bottom of each ballot the names of the candidate members of the Audit Committee are written with the word AUDITOR COMMITTEE.-

Article 34
All active regular members of the Union have the possibility to occupy any office in the Union, as long as there is no reason for them, which would result in their expulsion from the Union.
The members who want to nominate to be elected as members of the Board of Directors. or of the Audit Committee must declare this in writing to the Board of Directors. at least five days before the date of the General Meeting.- The Board of Directors after checking the nomination conditions of the interested parties, draws up the list of eligible candidates for the office of the members of the Board of Directors. and of the Auditing Committee, which are pasted on the door of the hall, as well as inside the hall, where the voting takes place and is distributed before the start of the General Assembly to the Delegates. only  the ET Board and TDs cannot endorse or promote a portion or group of its candidates.
This list compiled by the Board of Directors. and approved by the General Assembly, as long as it also bears the seal of the Union and is uniformly typed or polygraphed on white paper of these dimensions, it constitutes a ballot.-
Nomination of the same person for more than one office is not allowed. –
Voting is done with a single ballot for all candidates.- The elections of the National Department are conducted under the supervision of a three-member election committee, elected by the Assembly from among the members who have not run for office.
If any of the members questions the validity of the nomination of one or more candidates, they must declare it immediately after the speech.
The Congress decides immediately in both cases and may reject the membership nomination or declare the member a candidate. -If the list of candidates does not include the number required to fill the vacant positions in the respective bodies increased by at least three for the Board of Directors. and by two for the Audit Committee, the seniority for the Board of Directors. will appoint a temporary five-member Administration, which will ensure the convening of a new General Assembly and the carrying out of repeated nominations within two months for the appointment of a regular Administration, and for the Audit Committee they will be carried out, after the General Assembly completes by its decision the number of candidates by immediately selecting the necessary nominations.-
The vote is exercised by writing the sign of the cross in front of the name of the person being voted. -A ballot paper with more crosses than the places to be filled in the respective instrument is invalid in respect of the instrument for which the extra crosses were found. –
The ballots are sealed in opaque uniform envelopes, which are distributed to the voters together with the ballots by the Electoral Committee and bear the initials of its President and the seal of the Union and are delivered to the Electoral Committee, after each of the voters has signed the list of voters.-

Article 35
The Electoral Commission.
The Electoral Committee is chaired by the member who voted the majority,  ensures that order is maintained, supervises that the elections are carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Law and the Statute and decides on any arising dispute or objection . The members of the three-member election committee are not allowed to be candidates for the Board of Directors at the same time. or the E.U. and as far as Local Governments are concerned, they should be members of the Local that conducts elections and not members of another Local Government.
After the end of the voting, he collects the envelopes with the ballots, counts the votes and records the results, which he announces.
- The election of the Councilors is done by a relative majority.- As regular members of the Board of Directors. those with the highest number of votes are elected in order of success and until their seats are filled.
The rest are declared as substitutes also in order of success and up to the number provided for substitutes. In the event of a tie among those elected for the last position, a lottery is held between those who voted equally. –
The members of the Audit Committee are also elected in order of success with a relative majority. Alternates are the next two regular members in order of success. -The Electoral Committee then prepares minutes for the conduct of the elections and their results, which, after the deadline for objections has passed, is signed by the President and its members and delivered through the President together with the rest of the information and documents of the elections to D .S.- Objections against the validity of the election can be submitted within the next three days from the election to the General Secretary of the Board of Directors. and must be addressed to the Electoral Committee, signed by at least ten (10) active regular members of the Congress.
Objections are heard by the Electoral Commission as quickly as possible, in a time not longer than 5 days, and its decisions on them are final.-
Article 36
Proceedings of the Conference.
After the end of the work of the Panhellenic Congress, the President and the Secretary of the Assembly deliver to the General Secretary of the ET. all the audio and video material of G.S. who supervises the transcription of the minutes and their signature by the President and Secretary of the General Assembly. He informs the Board and sends them to the T.D.

Article 37
Interruption  Panhellenic Conference.
If, after the time necessary for the work has passed, the items on the agenda have not been exhausted, the Congress may be interrupted and postponed to the next one at the same place and for the same time as its attendant had been appointed and until the end of the proceedings .

Article 38
General Authority of the Conference.
That which is not provided for by the Statute or by the Law, is regulated by the Conference with lawful decisions and always in accordance with the spirit of the Statute.-

Article 39
Validity of decisions of the Conference.
The decisions of the Conference taken in accordance with the provisions of the Law and the Statute apply to all members of the Union present, absent or dissenting and bind the Union. –
Decisions of the Conference taken in violation of the Laws or the Statute are null and void. Their nullity is declared by the Court in the procedure provided by the Law after an appeal by the interested parties.

Article 40
Local Administrations.
A. The Top. Administrations are not independent and operate under the supervision of the Hellenic Department/DEA, according to the Statute & Internal Regulation of the DEA.
B. The Local Commands of the International Police Union are established in accordance with article 3 of this Statute, by a decision of the Board of Directors of the ET which is ratified by the Univ. Conference as below:

2.    AETOLIA    LOG
11.    DRAMA    DRAMA
13.    EVIAS    ΕΤΑΛΑ
16. _ 
21. _ 
27.    KILKIS    KILKIS  
34.    LESVO    TINI
46.    SAMOUS    SMOS
49.    PHTIOTIDAS    ΛΑΜΑ186
51.    FOKIDAS   _cc781905-5cde-3194-6bb35cf58d_ΣΑΣΤΣ
53.    CHANIA  
54.    XIO    XIO

C. The Administration of Local Governments is carried out by a 9-member Council, elected by the General Assembly of its members, the relevant provisions of articles 15 and 34 being applied in this case as well.-
D. Regarding the formation of the Board of Directors, the meetings, the responsibilities of its members and the Ephorates, articles 15 to 28 apply, which refer to the Board of Directors. of the Police Union. –
E. The Local Administrations can file a copy of this statute in the relevant Court of First Instance of their seat with a substitution in terms of the title and address of their seat for the registration of the TD in its books as a non-profit association to obtain a VAT number and the opening bank accounts. G.S. of T.D. they cannot amend the provisions of the articles of association except the PB. The General Secretary of ET is responsible for providing each TD with a statute.

Article 41
General Assembly T.D.
The General Assembly of the members of the Local Administration is its highest body. - With regard to the convening of the General Assembly, the responsibilities, the general operation and the conduct of its work, the corresponding provisions of articles 29 to 39 that refer to the Panhellenic Conference shall apply.
All the members of the T.D. participate in the General Assembly. which are settled in Cash.
The General Assembly of Local Governments must act within the framework of the Statute and the decisions of the Panhellenic Conference of the Union and its decisions must be governed by the general principles determined by the International Police Union.-
The General Assembly meets regularly once a year within the first semester of each calendar year. In exceptional cases:
A) When this is deemed necessary by a decision of at least ¾ of the Board of Directors.
B) If requested by at least 2/5 of  financially settled members of the TD.
For the convening of the extraordinary general meeting, the application of the aforementioned is necessary, in which they should also mention the proposed issues with their relevant proposal.
Only the topics proposed by the applicants are necessarily included in the ED of the extraordinary general meeting. The discussion of topics that are not contained in the ED is forbidden to be discussed. In the event that such a matter will be discussed, the decision will be invalid.

Article 42
1. The Union is officially represented in the World Congress of the International Union and in the International Executive Council and participates in the events organized at the international level by the International Police Union or other National Sections.-
2. Representation at the World Congress and the International Council is done in accordance with the Statute of the International Police Union by an official representative. The representative can be accompanied by up to two observers, who can follow the work of the Conferences without the right to take the floor or vote.-
3. The election of the official representative and observers is made by decision of the Board of Directors. of the National Department of the Union among those who have the necessary qualifications. A necessary condition is that they know to a very good degree one of the languages English, French or German, which are recognized for communication at the International meetings of the I.R.A.-
4. In the official representations, the expenses of the representatives and observers are covered by the Fund of the Union.-
5. The expenses for the representation of the Local Governments at the Panhellenic Conferences or other meetings deemed necessary by the decision of the Board of Directors of the Union, as well as the visit or representation of members of the Board of Directors of the Union at General Assemblies of the Local Governments are covered by the Funds of of Local Governments or the Union respectively.-
6. The optional participation of Union members in international events is free and is carried out at the expense of the interested parties.-
general provisions
Article 43
Amendment of the Articles of Association.
The Panhellenic Congress decides on the amendment of the Statute after a proposal from the Board of Directors. or Local Administration according to the provisions of articles 29, 31 and 33 hereof. The proposals are on specific articles and are accompanied by a short introduction.
Article 44
Dissolution of the Union.
Except in the cases provided by the Law, the Union is dissolved by a decision of a special extraordinary Panhellenic Congress after a decision by a 2/3 majority of the Board of Directors. or if at least 1/3 of Local Governments request it in accordance with the conditions set out in articles 29, 31 and 33 hereof.-
In case of dissolution of the Union, after payment of debts and fulfillment of any outstanding obligation, the fate of the property is decided by the General Assembly. A copy of the decision of the Panhellenic Conference of the Association's members regarding its dissolution is notified by the President of the Conference within one month of receiving it to the competent Court of First Instance to be registered in the according to article 78 of the A.K. Book and to update the relevant file, as well as to the supervisory authority.-

Article 45
After its decision to dissolve the Union, the Panhellenic Congress elects three liquidators from among its members. The liquidators decide by majority and act to liquidate the property of the Association in accordance with the Law within one year.
An extension for three months is only possible if the Court of First Instance considers that there are serious reasons for this.-
The liquidators are required to submit a report to the Supervisory Authority after the end of their work on their actions for the liquidation of the Union's property. –
The dissolution of the Local Governments takes place with the same procedures, and the property and other elements belonging to them go to the Union.-

Article 46
Seal, Logo Flag, Anthem and official holiday of the Union.
1.     The Union has a circular seal depicting the globe. Around the globe is engraved the phrase "INTERNATIONAL POLICE ASSOCIATION" and on the base on a ribbon the phrase "SERVO PER AMIKECO"•.-
The outer periphery of the globe is surrounded by laurel leaves, which start from the ends of the band and converge towards the top, where they leave a small gap. -
2.     The LOGOS of the Union are the same that have been registered Internationally by IEB/IPA, with the following color codes (Pantone Matching System)

1. Dark blue: 3005 U – 285 C
2. Light blue: 290 U – 283 C
3. Red: 185 U -186 C
4. Yellow: 109 U -115 C

3.     The Flag of the Hellenic Department and the TAs of the DEA is   2x1.5x1 meters or. It bears a white cross and the four corners of the cross are blue in color. In the center  of the cross is placed the IPA logo and at the bottom of it  a white ribbon  on which is written -136bad5cf58d_ name of ET or TD.
4.     Hymn. The International Police Union's International Executive Secretariat announced the official Anthem of the International Police Union, which is heard at the raising and lowering of the flag of the Hellenic Police Department as well as at the official ceremonies.
5.     The 29th of June of each year is designated as the official day of celebration of the Greek Department and the Local IPA Commands.
6.     Emblem protection.
The D.E.A. is obliged to protect the emblems at the National level, against any infringements, modifications and use by persons or entities not authorized by it.

Article 47
1.    That which is not provided for by the Statute and the Internal Regulation, which will be drawn up, is regulated by the Law.-
2.    Amendment or completion of this Statute is only permitted after  five years from its approval in accordance with the provisions of the Law.

Article 48
Repealed  Provisions
From the entry into force of this statute, any other general or special provision is repealed, in so far as it contradicts its provisions and regulates matters of operation of the Greek Department/DEA, as well as the establishment and operation of the Local Administrations/DEA.

Article 49
Transitional provisions.
After the ratification of this Statute by the Court of First Instance:
a] The operating Local Governments are limited in terms of territory
their competence in the Region of the Prefecture  as defined in article 40 par. B. and the existing Boards of Directors. of these continue their work until the end of their term of office.
b] The Local Administrations that had filed statutes in the court of first instance of their prefecture different from the provisions of this when it came into force, must within 6 months adapt their statutes. Only the Boards of Directors of the TDs that operate in accordance with the provisions herein are considered as members of the Hellenic Section of the International Police Union and legally represent their members.

Article 50
This Statute, consisting of 50 articles, was completed, shaped and voted on by  article and in its entirety by the 31st  Panhellenic Congress of May 15, 2015.-


Ο Πρόεδρος          _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_                     _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_           _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_     _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_          Ο_cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Secretary
ΣΠΥΡΑΚΟΣ Απόστολος           _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_         _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_           _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_          ΤΖΙΤΖΩΚΟΣ Ioannis

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